Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Why Higher Priced Tickets Sometimes Sell First On Stubhub

Have you ever wondered why your higher priced tickets on Stubhub sell before someone else’s? Not that it’s a bad thing, but you have to wonder if people don’t shop around and just buy the first pair of tickets they see.

There’s actually another reason for it. Some customers don’t actually buy from Stubhub’s website. Instead, they phone a representative and that rep will do a search for them. Obviously it’s to Stubhub’s and the rep’s advantage to sell the higher priced tickets because they earn a higher commission.

The rep also bases their decision on how fast the seller confirms orders and their drop rate (how many times you have declined an order.)

Soooo…it’s to your advantage to price your tickets high from the start, and to respond and fill your orders as fast as you can. Stubhub reps can view your seller stats and if they are good, you will have an advantage over other sellers.

1 comment:

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